
July 19, 2024

Bangladesh Protest and Internet Shut Down Situation

Dear Customer,

We are notified by our local office that Internet services are currently down in Bangladesh due to the on-going violent protests happening in the country.

The protests began weeks ago and has escalated since Monday, triggering violent clashes with government officials yesterday, and an internet clampdown this morning, 19 July 2024 Bangladesh local time, as protesters and students attempted to impose a “complete shutdown” on the country’s communications and internet system.

Our local office informed us that so far only Internet and email communications are disabled. Operations are basically running normal but there may be communication disruptions until the situation comes back to normal. Most of MCS and MWL staff are working from home and/or are on standby. There’s no indication when the protest will end or when the Internet shut down connection will be reinstituted back.

MCS Office Update: Remain at normal operations
MCS Warehouse Update: Remain at normal operations
Port/Terminal Operations Update: Remain at normal operations

We will keep you posted as soon as we get an update from our local office.

For any inquiry you may have for your shipments or bookings, you may contact Mr. Monjurul Islam, our local representative at: +880 176 666 4837.

End of Report.